Pies and Pizza - songwriting camp for 4th–6th graders

Piisejä ja pitsaa is a new kind of winter holiday songwriting camp for 4th–6th graders. The idea of the camp is to create and play songs together with the help of music professionals and spend a nice musical time with friends.

The camp is aimed at all young people who already enjoy playing and singing. Moderate playing skills are necessary, as the camp focuses especially on working together and playing. Enthusiasts of all instruments are welcome.

The camp instructors are experienced music creators. Heikki Salo is one of Finland's leading lyrical composers. Juuso Peippo is a singer and guitar teacher, while Tero Kaario is a keyboard player and piano teacher, and they both have extensive experience in band playing and directing. All instructors are also experienced composers and arrangers. The camp is organized by the Music School Musiikkitoteemi.


  • To whom? Music enthusiasts in grades 4–6
  • When? Sun-Tue 23.-25.2.2025 (Sun and Mon 12-16, Tue 15-19, closing ceremony open to guardians Tue 18)
  • Meals? Pizza will be eaten during the day (included in the price), and you can also bring your own snack and drink or a refillable water bottle.
  • Instructors: Heikki Salo, Juuso Peippo, Tero Kaario
  • Place: Musiikkitoteemu's Sointula location, Epilä (Vernissaraitti 6)


  • €65 (includes tuition and daily pizza slices)
  • The payment link will be sent by email immediately after registration.


  • UPDATE 21.2.2025: CAMP IS SOLD OUT!
  • Registration takes place exclusively in the Music Totem Eepos system.
  • The first 15 people to register can join, the following will be placed on reserve.
  • Participation is confirmed by paying the camp fee in the online store, a payment link will be sent after registration. There are only 15 places for sale in the online store, so it is recommended to make the payment immediately after registration.
Additional information
Monday, Tuesday, Sunday
Juuso Peippo, Tero Kaario
toimisto@musiikkitoteemi.fi 045 122 4201 (office)
TKL 4, 7 (Winter area)
65 €